Monday, 7 May 2012

Another Slice? Oh please let me eat Cake.

If it wasn’t seen as gluttonous, I would and could eat multiple slices of cake in one sitting. But I am perhaps an exception and most people I know wouldn’t ever consider this, no matter how much they enjoy the first slice. So here is the next slice of cake blog, a little while after the first, giving you all time to digest it and be truly ready to devour this portion.


The misguided Marjorie Dawes
‘We all like a bit of cake don’t we? I’m just one of those people who come home and all I want is a bit of cake’ says Marjorie Dawes, hypocritical leader of ‘Fat fighters’ in Lucas and Walliams’ Little Britain.  I unwillingly seem to have lots in common with her. Most of Marjorie’s views are comically disturbing but I can’t argue with her passion for cake. Despite being a fictional character, I can sympathise with the constant battle going through her. She attempts to talk about fattening foods, advising her ‘fatties’ of more healthy choices such as dust,  but her heart defeats her brain, allowing her to go off on a crazy cake rave at inappropriate times. Cake occupies her mind above all other things. Peculiarly, this makes me feel less alone in my helpless cake desire.

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from 1774, is famed among other things, for one of the most famous cake quotes, which is now known to not have actually been said by her:

 The misquoted Marie Antoinette

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche or Let them eat cake.

It was originally thought she said this upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Brioche is a type of bread with the addition of eggs and butter to enrich the dough (perhaps not cake at all). Having said this, she showed a lack of understanding of the poverty the peasants were facing. Cake was expensive, something for the upper classes only.

But we know Marie didn’t ever say this so why is it a famous cake quote? There is a real story behind it (check Wikipedia!) but I like to think it became well known purly because most people want to be allowed to eat cake. I, along with Ms Dawes, want someone to say to me daily ‘let her eat cake.’ I want to eat cake without my brain telling me off, advising me on the calorific content and tutting me when I give in to my heart’s wishes. I want guilt free cake. And by guilt free I don’t mean fat free. I want diet clubs to use ‘Let them eat cake’ as a slogan. Or maybe, even better, slice some of the words off so it just reads …
Eat Cake.


  1. Once again Ellen a 'piece' of mastery! Now I'm off to Eat Cake!

  2. please stop writing about really isn't doing my waist line any favours!

  3. Ellen, I would be doing waht the first lines of the blog suggest ~ Eat numerous slices of cake throughout the day! However, reality has to set in, when would I fit in the chocolate?
    Baked an orange and chocolate cake yesterday ~ it hit two desires in one :))

    Sevgi x

  4. Don't you just subscribe to Marjaries thoughts! A well written piece Ellen very balanced with a bit of history thrown in as well! Well done
    Susannah x

  5. I do like a little bit of history with my cake (as you know!) and I have eaten a lot of cake this weekend and been to some historic places too! Another good blog. Keep them coming. xxx

  6. Totes amazeballs!
    Lorna xx

  7. A lovely piece of writing, as always. Now, where can I find cake at this time of night?! x
